
Aliases are individual emojis that you can name and then be used through that name. An alias belongs to a single user. Only that user can use the alias by that name. If you want a copy of someone else's alias, right-click a message where they've used it and choose 'gain access to emojis'. For more information regarding how to name server wide aliases refer to adding emojis through packs and aliases.

You can find the full list of aliases you have through the use of the command /alias mine or /alias dm (full list but sent to dm)

You can search for emojis using the following command /alias search termsOfYourSearch search: terms. The search functionality also supports the following filters:

  • exact: Shows only the emojis with names that exactly match your search terms.
  • animated: If set to True only show animated emojis. If False only static ones. If empty then show all emojis.
  • order: Order by relevance to your search or by random.
  • page: Specifies the start page of your search.

Importing and Exporting Aliases

It is posible to export aliases through the use of /alias export. This command will produce a text file that can then be imported through the use of /alias import

Renaming Aliases

It is posible to rename aliases through the use of /alias rename

Deleting Aliases

You can delete your aliases through the use of /alias delete or in case you want to delete all of them /alias delete_all