Adding Emojis

NQN provides several methods of uploading emojis depending on how you're searching for them.

  • If you're looking for emojis based on their name, /emote upload from_search is what you need.
  • If you're wanting to re-upload an emoji from a shared server you have with NQN, try /emote upload from_emote.
  • Likewise, if it's from an alias, use /emote upload from_emote.
  • When you want to upload emotes with a theme, try using /pack search and once you've found a pack, use /pack save to upload it's emotes to your server.
  • If you want to upload an emote that's been used in a message in your server, 'reply' to it with the command !upload_emote.
  • If you have a file on your phone and want to upload it quickly, use /emote upload from_attachment.
  • If you want to re-upload a sticker as an emote, send it with the !emote upload command.